63 Wessel Road, Rivonia, Sandton
Aerial view Ghaghoo

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance - ESG


GCS offers the following ESG services:

Corporate advisory services

v   Water Stewardship

o      CDP Water Disclosure assistance (responsive to catchment-level sustainability)

o      Water-related risks - translating findings into business-relevant strategy

o      Water Footprint Analysis WWF Water Risk Assessment

o      Catchment water-user relationships and sustainability assessment

v   Decarbonization/Climate Change

o      Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Scope 1 and 2 determinations

o      CDP Climate Disclosure assistance (science-based targets advisory)

o      GHG Scope 3 screen (value chain contributions boundary determination)

o      Climate resilience in long-term planning (Mine closure objectives)

o      Physical and Transition climate change risks over three-time horizons (TCFD aligned)

o      Climate change risk assessment for Equator Principles IV


v   Mine Closure

o      Environmental Risk and Liability Assessment

o      Hydrological Assessments and Design

o      Social and Economic Assessments with stakeholder engagement

o      Water Treatment (active and passive treatment applications

o      Engineered Bio-Remediation and Phyto Remediation

o      Invasive Plant Control

o      Civil Design Town and rural Planning & Architecture

o      Mine Land Rehabilitation

o      Hydrogeology and Hydrology

o      Geochemistry

o      Ecology & Soils

o      Pitlakes

o      Erosion Control

o      Seepage Management

o      Infrastructure/ Asset Management

o      Decommissioning of Tailings and Waste Rock Dump

Other ESG Services:

o      Economic Performance

o      Environmental Performance

o      Societal Performance

o      Carbon Footprint Reporting

o      Risk Management Services